Saturday, July 3, 2010

Week Three

Today is the end of week 3 for me here in Rwanda. I am working an extreme amount of hours getting my arms around the project and implementing management tools. Exhausted but enjoying the experience. Down to my last tin of Copenhagen as planned. Glad I had a supply for the first few weeks. Next couple of weeks without should be very interesting and painful. Brought a box of nicotine gum with me to ease the pain. Hopefully I survive!!
Construction progress is going very well. Was on site yesterday and we are very close to completing all stone wall and concrete foundations. Concrete ground beams are now proceeding on top of the stone walling. Completed my review of structural, mechanical,and electrical drawings this week. Blocks for walls are being produced on site as per the attached pictures. Discussed quality issues with the contractor and requested they build a mock up of wall for my review and approval. I do not think they are used to anyone reviewing/QC'g and commenting on their design and or construction quality. I try to be pleasently firm. There are currently +/- 150 workers on site. Laborers make between 1000 and 1500 RWF per day and stone masons make 3000 RWF per day. $1 US dollar equals 580 RWF which equates to making $1.70 to $5.17 per day. Very cheap for labor.
Was reading a blog from a young lady I met the other day and the title of one of her posts was "Lost in Translation". It was a excellent post as it reminded me just how difficult it is to understand conversations due to the different languages and mis-intepret the conversation. This is true both ways. I listen very carefully to conversations and alot of times must ask the person to repeat what they said to make sure I understand. You get most of it but not all of it which makes it difficult. Have found it to be important to ask if they understand what I have just said. Even with all this you walk away from the conversation wondering if you or they understood what was just said!
I have been watching alot of the World Cup. Very popular here. What we call soccer they call football. Quite the topic of conversation with everyone.
I hope you are all enjoying this 4th of July. We are so fortunate for what we have in the US.

1 comment:

  1. Griz... have been seeing the pics you're emailing, but just took the time to read your blogs. Very commendable what you are doing to help there - and yes, we are so fortunate & take things for granted. Thank you SO much for bringing this to us all in pics & words. I presume it's ok to pass the blog link on to other friends who will find it interesting. We will keep following your posts and will watch for interesting news to pass on. You're missing a record-breaking heat wave here, but you look like you have your own there.
